You don’t have to Weather the Event alone.
We Stand United.
The “Weather Event Live” Virtual Lunch & Learn Show serves as a beacon of guidance and resource both before and after the “Weather Event”. Through experience, discussions, interviews, and workbook downloads it empowers listeners to prepare for and navigate through extreme “Weather Events”.
Prior to the storm, “Weather Event Live” provides invaluable resources, tips, and insights to help property & business owners brace themselves for the impending turbulence.
After the storm has passed, “Weather Event Live” continues to be a reassuring presence, offering confidence and practical strategies for recovery and rebuilding.
Amidst the debris and damage, there is a resounding sense of resilience and determination.
“You’re not alone, we are strong, we will never give up, we collaborate, and we stand united in our resolve to indemnify, rebuild and restore what was lost.”
Brad Hays
Brad Hays is Host of Weather Event Live Virtual Lunch & Learn Shows. Mr. Hays is President and Owner of Weather Event LLC, and CEO and President of Appraisal Panel Network. Brad is a Certified Insurance Appraiser, and Certified Insurance Umpire. Large Loss Damage Consultant, Certified Commercial Building Inspector, Executive General Adjuster (EGA), and Subject Matter Expert Witness,
Brad has been in the property loss business servicing property owners, business owners and insurance carriers for more than 25-years. His loss experience began as a restoration contractor, which included exterior and interior restoration repair services. Over 20 years ago Mr. Hays became a licensed, independent, insurance claims adjuster and has worked catastrophic large loss weather events since “2000”.
Brad has maintained his Florida Certified General Contractor and Certified Roofing Contractor licenses (retired) and also maintains active adjuster licenses in 17 states. Brad specializes in large loss million dollar claims, both commercial and residential (click for a small sample of his projects). The combined experience and knowledge of rebuild construction, new construction, damage repairs, and insurance claims handling qualifies him to act as an Alternate Dispute Resolution Appraiser and Appraisal Umpire. Mr. Hays is serving as an insurance appraiser and umpire in multiple states.
Brad has over 25 years experience in the Insurance & Emergency Management Industries with over 35 Industry Designations, Certifications* and 13 Professional Licenses. **
Mr. Hays has studied on-site at the Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg MD.